Athlete Alexandra Stevenson
For the past 25 years, athlete Alexandra Stevenson has carved out unique places worldwide!
Here are some personal photos that capture Alexandra Stevenson’s travels, offering a glimpse into the life of this remarkable athlete.
Four days in Venice, Italy, were a magical experience. How can you not fall in love with the canals? The city’s charm was unforgettable as a gentleman motored my mom and me to our hotel on the canal. The beauty and history of Venice left a lasting impression, making it a cherished memory.
Only in Eastbourne can you find grass so lush it takes you back to childhood playdates.

I will love England FOREVER!

The Yorkshire Dales, nestled in the heart of north-central England, offers a breathtaking landscape that I cherish. Here I am Accompanied by two close friends!
Plus the sheep, always the sheep and the green green grass!
Buckingham Palace never misses an opportunity to display its majestic splendor.

The outback in Australia. I traveled through New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, and South Australia – playing in small tennis tournaments on the ITF – and looking at the magic of a beautiful country.

Nothing like Bondi Beach in Sydney. I hiked around for miles.